EXAUDI’s CD on the HCR label features new works by Joanna Bailie, Aaron Cassidy, Stephen Chase, Richard Glover, Bryn Harrison, Claudia Molitor and James Weeks. “There is no more revealing a medium in music than the human voice. Coming from deep inside the body, carried on the breath, acquiring resonance in the head, shaped and channelled through the same mouth and lips through which we speak and with which we kiss – this sound, not filtered through wood, metal or gut, cannot be separated from the human being that made it. By the time it leaves the body, it is intrinsically, inextricably personal.”
Aaron Cassidy A painter of figures in rooms
James Weeks Nakedness
Bryn Harrison Eight Voices
Richard Glover Corradiation
Stephen Chase Jandl Songs (selections)
Joanna Bailie Harmonizing (Artificial Landscape no.7)
Claudia Molitor Lorem ipsum
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“It is by far the most radical disc of vocal music I’ve encountered in a long time, an exploration that takes real risks both in terms of choice of repertoire as well as the pressures brought to bear on the singers themselves.” 5against4
“The spirit may be experimental but the execution is polished, confident, persuading you that the performers really believe in their often provocative materials.” Gramophone